These are the musings and news and remembrances of Kathleen Roberts. Hopefully, this will spark memories as well as journal current happenings

Monday, September 20, 2010


This was such a fun project. I sat at my table making these guys and let everything else go
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

How Busy Are You?

It is amazing to realize that at 64 (that's right most of you missed it!) I can still be so busy. I used to think that women of this age sat in rockers on the porch sipping lemonade. I have to plan carefully to get everything done that everyone wants me to do and I want to do. Yet, amid all this hustle and bustle I took most of the day yesterday to make a large batch of cupcakes for Matthews birthday. Now, these weren't just any cupcakes. They were aliens and boy did they turn out cute. Tara gave me a great book on all kind of cupcake designs for my BIRTHDAY and this was one of their ideas. I made a complete mess of my kitchen but had alot of fun doing it. My hands are very sore but today I am back on the little squirrel wheel and will be making peach jam and putting a load of peaches in the dryer. But before I get to any of that I had to make a very long list. I'm not foolish enough to think I will get it all done today but that leaves something to do tomorrow. I hear people say "I don't have anything to do" and I wonder where they came from. Maybe they are just faster or more organized than me but I never have to hunt for things to do. What a blessing!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Adams Blanket

Having a little trouble with this but will try anyway. This is the blanket I made for Adam Joseph Roberts
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Adams Blanket