These are the musings and news and remembrances of Kathleen Roberts. Hopefully, this will spark memories as well as journal current happenings

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Another New Grandson

20! That sounds like alot when you say it but my grandchildren aren't really numbered I never think of them in that way. Each is as different as peanuts and pecans. All nuts but individuals. This week I have spent with Mitchell, Jody, Joshua, Lucas, Jacob and a bit with baby Adam Joseph. All different, some challenging, sweet and adorable. Joshua has grown up to be the boy Mitch knew he could. He is truthful, responsible, sweet and quite nice actually. Lucas has stepped into Josh's role as tormentor, tease, and bit untruthful, but is still as tender and sweet as they come. Jacob is two - Dad always has loved 2 year olds and this child is the perfect example of why. No Terrible Twos here. Today we're doing laundry. Funny how no matter what time of life you are there is always laundry. I remember my mother-in-law washing tons of it for me and now it's my turn. I've always hated laundry but compared to dirty diapers laundry isn't so bad. Embrace the cloth, soap. Enjoy the freshness! I'm just one of the nuts.

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