These are the musings and news and remembrances of Kathleen Roberts. Hopefully, this will spark memories as well as journal current happenings

Monday, November 22, 2010


Sunday one of the little boys in the Nursery had a three fingered red mark on his cheek. I thought at the time that it looked like a slap mark but trying not to add drama when there is none I dismissed it. Especially since one of the girls got her finger cut at the first knuckle and barely attached. Her mother sent her to the bathroom alone. We never do that! She is in surgery as I speak. Also, I have three children and their mother here now. The little boy with the slap mark that definately looks like a handprint today his brother, and sister are here talking to social services. Apparently he doesn't beat his wife but the kids are fair game. This little boy is barely over 2. I am appalled and shocked, and very sad.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, hard day for you. So sorry for those little children. Hope it goes well and maybe social services will be able to help the family. It is sad.
